10 Sleeping Habits You Need to Know for Better Sleep and Improved Mental Wellness

Posted On Jan 25, 2024 |

This new year, kickstart a healthier you by prioritising good sleep habits. Discover ten crucial sleep practices for improved mental wellness.

Good sleep is essential for overall health and has a profound effect on mental health. Establishing sound sleeping practices may greatly increase the quantity and quality of your sleep, which will improve your mental health. Ten crucial sleeping practices that might improve your days and nights are listed below.

1. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Keeping a consistent sleep schedule affects the quality of your sleep in addition to regulating your body clock. Try to maintain a regular wake-up and bedtime to let your body find its own rhythm. Furthermore, try not to oversleep on the weekends since this might throw off your body clock and interfere with your work routine during the week.

2. Create a Soothing Bedtime Ritual

Your body may be told to wind down by developing a relaxing bedtime ritual. Try experimenting with relaxing hobbies like light yoga, reading a book, or having a warm bath with relaxing essential oils. Maintaining a regular schedule for your selected activities will strengthen the association between them and bedtime.

3. Keep Your Bedroom Comfortable

A cosy sleeping space is essential for restful sleep. Invest in an eye mask or blackout curtains to filter out unwelcome light. Maintaining a cool sleeping environment may be achieved by utilising breathable bedding and changing the thermostat, since temperature control is also crucial. In addition, make sure your pillows and mattress offer enough support for your entire body to avoid pain while you sleep.

4. Limit Screen Time Before Bed

Because screens produce blue light, they have a major influence on the quality of sleep that people get. Think about using blue light-blocking eyewear or applying blue light filters to your electronics. Instead, take up soothing hobbies like reading a book or practicing relaxation techniques to help your body get ready for bed.

5. Watch Your Diet and Hydration

Pay attention to what you eat and drink right before bed. Choose simple, light meals and avoid consuming too much caffeine in the afternoon and evening. In addition, take into account the calming effects of warm milk or herbal teas. It's important to balance your fluid consumption; try to drink a lot during the day, but lessen your intake closer to sleep to avoid disruptions from frequent toilet breaks.

6. Exercise Regularly

Frequent exercise improves the quality of sleep, but timing is important. Try to work out a few hours before going to bed so that your body can relax on its own. Gentle walks in the evening, light yoga, and stretching can all promote relaxation without overstimulating the body.

7. Manage Stress and Anxiety

Good stress-reduction strategies are essential for getting a good night's sleep. Before going to bed, reduce tension and anxiety by engaging in progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness meditation, or gratitude journaling. By slowing down the mind's rushing thoughts, these approaches help create a more relaxed state that is ideal for sleeping.

8. Avoid Napping Too Much During the Day

Power naps can increase alertness and productivity, but they should only be taken for brief periods of time to avoid disrupting sleep at night. For best results, aim for no more than 20 to 30 minutes so as not to interfere with your sleep routine.

9. Create a Sleep-Inducing Environment

To improve relaxation, think about adding different aspects to your sleeping space. Try diffusing disturbing noises with white noise devices or try lavender essential oils for calming aromas. For the best possible sleeping environment, choose comfortable pyjamas and think about using blackout curtains.

10. Seek Professional Help if Needed

Expert help may be necessary if persistent sleep problems persist. If, after trying a number of tactics, you are still having trouble falling asleep, see a doctor or a sleep specialist. They are able to recognise underlying problems and offer customised guidance or interventions to deal with certain sleep disorders.

Every one of these behaviours has a major impact on the general quality of sleep and mental health. Adding these particular techniques to your routine can provide observable results, such as more peaceful sleep and improved mental well-being. Try out these tips to see what suits you the most, and keep in mind that developing better sleeping patterns requires persistence.

Acupuncture for Better Sleep

As part of a comprehensive plan for the new year, think about acupuncture as a possible solution for your insomnia. Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that includes the insertion of tiny needles into certain body sites in order to realign energy flow and perhaps improve a number of health issues.

Acupuncture is known for treating pain, but it has also demonstrated potential in treating sleep issues. It may help to maintain more regular sleep patterns by regulating the body's internal clock by focusing on specific spots. Additionally, the practice may aid in lowering tension and anxiety levels as well as encouraging a calmer frame of mind that improves sleep.

Beyond these immediate advantages, acupuncture may also increase the release of endorphins and serotonin, which promote relaxation and a better feeling of overall well being. It also adopts a comprehensive approach, treating underlying health imbalances like chronic pain or hormone swings that may exacerbate sleep difficulties.

Trained acupuncturists carefully place needles into predetermined body locations during treatments. While the length of sessions varies, the frequency of sessions is determined by the severity of sleep disorders and the needs of the person. Many find the experience to be calming.

However, it's essential to incorporate acupuncture within a whole sleep regimen for the best outcomes. Its advantages can be increased by combining it with regular sleep patterns and a comfortable sleeping environment.

Recall that while acupuncture is a safe, natural way to improve sleep, each person's reaction may be different. A licensed acupuncturist or other healthcare provider can help you customise this all-encompassing strategy to meet your unique wellness objectives.

Let Our Acupuncturist, Longlin Do Her Wonders

Look no farther if you're having trouble sleeping and looking for an alternative solution. Long Lin at The Health Collective offers a special fusion of technique and knowledge to turn your sleepless nights into restful dreams.

Our competent practitioner Long Lin, who is well-versed in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is more than simply an expert in age-old wisdom; she is also your go-to sleep whisperer. Her extensive understanding of meridians, energy flow, and the fascinating idea of Qi provides the foundation for delving deeply into your sleep-related issues. She finds the source of your sleep disturbance and uses the gentle principles of Chinese medicine to calm it down.

The true magic, though, lies in Long Lin's acupuncture skills, which are like a custom suit for your slumber. By combining acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, she creates customised herbal concoctions that specifically address the causes of your insomnia. It combines magic and science to make sure your sleep has a pattern.

Beyond her experience, Long Lin's reassuring demeanour and the glowing recommendations from prior sleep-deprived individuals elevate her from a practitioner to your reliable travel partner for improved sleep.

Therefore, if counting sheep has become your go-to nocturnal activity, Long Lin's knowledge, encapsulated in age-old wisdom, extends an invitation to a peaceful resting place at The Health Collective.


These sleep techniques can greatly improve the quality of your sleep and your mental health. A new way to treat sleep problems is acupuncture. To successfully treat sleep difficulties, our professional practitioner at The Health Collective, Long Lin, combines her knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a tailored touch.

Discover the difference with Long Lin's all-encompassing strategy, which combines Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. Make an acupuncture consultation with Long Lin now to start your journey towards healthier sleep, and experience the bliss of peaceful evenings again at The Health Collective.

Categories: Acupuncture, Holistic approach, Insomnia, Lifestyle modifications, Sleep hygiene, The Health Collective, Wellness

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